Our Goal


Our Goa

Message from the Principal

The early years are very precious for children. A baby is achieving one developmental milestone after another and growing by leaps and bounds. A child's mind is also growing at a very fast pace so it becomes necessary to lay a strong foundation in the formative years. The foundation for good school performance begins long before children enter formal school.

 The early years of a child are the time for the exploration of creativity. Children in their early years need time to play and be physically active. 

They need to be provided with a creative and holistic learning environment where their curiosity is nurtured through positive experiences, not just through knowledge. At Orchid Prep School we strive to provide the early learner with a multi-disciplinary environment that makes learning an exciting part of growing up. 

This kind of environment ensures that studies, school and learning are embraced by children early in life and not intimidated. The first five years of a child's life are fundamentally important. Hence, a child learns and achieves a lot in the formative years. A child's experiences early in life play an important role in shaping the structure of the brain and provide the basis for brain functioning throughout life. 

In addition to academic achievements, we are focused on promoting the health and well-being of every child. We help them develop good social habits: learn to make friends and respect others. sharing things with each other.

 Our main emphasis is on promoting the 'joy of learning', language enrichment and early communication. Our curriculum has been carefully designed by early years education experts and co-curricular exposure is a key area we aim to focus on. Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Education plays an important role in shaping the life of an individual. If the initial learner is forced to educate, the process will lose its essence. Never forget that education is meant to uplift the mind, not a burden.

 The positive environment at The Edelweiss Sign Smart Preschool ensures that children embrace and fear school, school and learning early in life. In this journey, we seek the support of all stakeholders – especially parents. Parents, being the first teachers, have the potential to play a highly proactive role. Parents should be role models for their children, because children emulate them. 

We guide our parents through regular conversations, face-to-face and in other ways, and encourage them to stop and listen to their children. Thank you for starting this beautiful journey with us.

Riya Sharma
